The Dark Side Of A ‘Good Work Ethic’

Bassam Tarazi
4 min readSep 7, 2023

It’s 3PM. You and a colleague are sitting next to each other when your boss comes in and asks, “Hey, do one of you have the bandwidth to help me?”

In the time it takes for a glance and an elongated, “Ummm — ,” each of you weighs office culture, hierarchies, relationships, and personal motivation, while pondering what kind of work is on the other side of yes, and could you save face if you dished out a no.

Make no mistake, work (the noun) is a game of hot potato of who is going to do work (the verb).

One of the tools to get you to sear your hand on the potato for longer than is necessary (or healthy) is by claiming that those second degree burns are a form of “good work ethic.” It’s an idea that is manifested in phrases like “Above and beyond,” “Do whatever it takes,” and “Can’t stop, won’t stop.”

Why do we always reach for metaphors of pack mules when describing “work ethic”? I mean, we’ve tried to give “work smarter, not harder” some love, but when it comes to articulating office value, an opportune vulture maximizing leverage, or a covert chameleon hiding in plain sight cannot compete with the imagery of a beast of burden barreling towards burnout.

Why not? Because — like Neanderthal DNA that still lingers in some of our genetic code — the Puritan ethos of “work hard because it…



Bassam Tarazi

Financial Advisor. Traveler. Author Burrito lover. Avid Leaper. TEDx Giver. Copiously curious. Regular blower of minds.